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Giorgi Suramlishvili

About Me

My name is Giorgi Suramlishvili. I'm a 14-year-old student with a passion for product design, coding, and various scientific subjects including mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry.

I attend Redland Green School in Bristol, where I am predicted to excel academically with a projected grade of 9 in subjects such as maths, physics, biology and chemistry.

Aside from academics, I actively engage in extracurricular activities such as water polo, tennis, and explorers, where I participate in expeditions and outdoor adventures.


Light Control With Servo

A project demonstrating my understanding of C++ and IoT. It features a servo connected to a PIR and LDR sensor, allowing light control based on motion and light intensity. Integrated with an ESP8266 for remote control via a custom app or Google Assistant through IFTTT integration.

View on GitHub

Roulette Game with Tkinter

An interactive roulette game developed using Python and Tkinter, showcasing my proficiency in Python programming. The game includes a comprehensive betting system, a full game board, and a realistic spinning wheel for an immersive gaming experience.

View on GitHub

Personal Website

A personal website showcasing my understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed to present my portfolio in a professional and user-friendly manner.

Visit Website

More projects coming soon! If you have any ideas, feel free to contact me. Contact information below.


Feel free to contact me:

Phone: 07578757960

Email: gsuramlishvili417@redlandgreen.bristol.sch.uk

Whether it's about collaboration opportunities, inquiries about my projects, or just to say hello, I'm always open to communication.